Opening up Space for Creativity

Opening up Space for Creativity

We are delighted to be working with Touch Design to help facilitate an Open Space Event for for a mixed group of communication professionals on December 7th.  The theme is focusing on creativity: how do you generate creative ideas, thinking, and innovative team working? How do you create new ideas for new and old campaigns?

Lego Serious Play at Spotless


We ran a Lego Serious Play workshop at Spotless Interactive. Lego Serious Play (LSP) is a powerful but specialist methodology to run more engaged and productive meetings keeping the participants active and focussed on problem solving, incorporating three modes of ‘enhanced communication’ (visual, auditory and kinaesthetic). LSP is typically used for visioning and strategy-development in real-time. Spotless is a growing company with a number of new team members so we focussed on team building, transformation and change management. Participants were so excited and curious about Lego Serious Play methodology, Spotless are now looking at new ways to incorporate Lego Serious Play inspired approaches into their service delivery.

“Phillippa ran an excellent LEGO Serious Play workshop for the team here at Spotless. This was a very hands on session, to understand how this technique can be used for strategic workshops and as a communication tool. We all got a lot out of the session, and was amazed at the level of creativity and storytelling within the team, using such simple objects! I highly recommend Phillippa to run this for your organisation.“ Ben Logan, Managing Director.

Rapid Design Sprint with Decathlon

Rapid Design Sprint with Decathlon

We worked with Decathlon Lakeside on a 5 day service design sprint led by Phillippa to devise solutions to improve employee experience.

We worked with four teams of junior service designers from UAL and four departments and the senior management team at Decathlon’s largest UK store.

Following an intense three day process, one team was selected to further develop their concept in-store and since been piloted with a view to roll out nationally. 

Improved employee experience and optimised processes attributed to this pilot, have led directly to increased sales in-store as a result.

Policy Design Jam at Northern Futures

In October 2014 we ran one of eight rapid innovation Open Ideas Days for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister and The Cabinet Office in the North of England to identify barriers and solutions to economic growth. These simultaneous policy jam events brought together business leaders, technologists, designers, academics, policy makers and young people, to collaborate, problem solve and create ideas to inform new-generation policy making.

The ideas and solutions generated were then shortlisted and debate at a policy development summit, leading to significant funding of a number of projects to boost regional innovation and growth.